Live painting at weddings
A wedding painting captures your most beautiful day in a special way. A live painting can also be a unique wedding gift idea that the newlyweds will never expect.
This is how it works
I come to your wedding, set up my easel and paint a specific moment that you can wish for beforehand during your celebration. Before the first guests arrive, I will be there to prepare the picture. In total, I paint for five to seven hours and then take the picture with me so that it can get the finishing touches. Contact me and tell me your wishes and ideas.
Benefits of a live painting package
I paint my live paintings with professional grade acrylic paint on a canvas I make myself. The price includes apreliminary talk, 5 to 7 hours of painting time at the wedding as well as up to 20 more hours painting time to completion, as well as a Free Shipping. Four to six weeks after the wedding I will send you the finished original painting. We'll be in close contact throughout and I'll send you updates on the painting's status. So you already know what it looks like before you receive the finished picture.
You can choose from the following painting sizes.
My prices are based on canvas size. The smallest size starts at a price of €600. Other canvas sizes are available on request.
Any travel or accommodation costs are not included in the price.
Package Portrait
Explanation: Painting motifs in this package focus on the bride and groom or a few people. Only simple backgrounds can be chosen as they take less time to paint. Simple backgrounds arefor example Nature scenes or a slightly suggested space. Up to six people can be immortalized.
Painting sizes
Package Panorama
Explanation:Painting motifs in this pack depict complex scenes. If several guests, a hall or a building are to be included in the painting, the Panorama package is the right choice. If you are not sure which package your desired motif would fall under, I would be happy to advise you.
Painting sizes